
My strengths lie in understanding the design thinking process, user empathy, strategy for information architecture, content structure, organization, and writing. Following are sample websites that I played a key role in creating, overhauling, or updating. Please note: Some of these sites were created before or as UX/UI became a focus. I will always advocate for clear content, positive user journies, and accessibility– but with government sites there are always challenges. Check out these case studies to see how my team addresed barriers, achieved goals, and celebrated successes.

Health Advocacy
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Health Advocacy

Public service work is not sexy– but it is important. Making sure staff, partners, and community leaders know where to find data and tools quickly and efficiently was the goal with this site.

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Nutrition & Physical Activity
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Nutrition & Physical Activity

Back to basics: nutrition and physical activity are more important than ever. This website has a long history with an underdog vibe. My content writing is sprinkled throughout and some structural changes are in the works!

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Prescription Misuse, Abuse & Addiction
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Prescription Misuse, Abuse & Addiction

The opioid epidemic is an ongoing battle. What started as a micro-site has evolved. I helped develop content that re-frames addiction as a chronic disease and destigmatizes misconceptions about who can be affected. The site spotlights my evidence-based long-form content and navigation nomenclature.

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Tobacco Cessation
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Tobacco Cessation

Even as new health hazards and epidemics continue to emerge, the fact of the matter is that smoking cigarettes is still the leading cause of preventable and premature death. Behavior change advocates have their work cut out for them. I lead this website rebuild working with developers and designers to give them the tools for the job.

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Priority Populations
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Priority Populations

Tobacco and vape companies have taken advantage of vulnerable populations for decades. Cardiovascular and lung disease caused by commercial tobacco use are the leading causes of death among Native Americans. Find Your Power is a platform for education that celebrates Native culture. I was humbled to be part of the communication that helps bridge the gap between evidence-based information and cultural relevance.

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Tobacco Cessation
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Tobacco Cessation

Behavior change is one of the most challenging marketing assignments, especially when bad habits and addiction are involved. I’ve been involved in several iterations of the South Dakota QuitLine website as it has evolved to reflect new services and user expectations

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Tobacco Prevention
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Tobacco Prevention

Tobacco use among young people has declined in recent years largely in part due to prevention efforts. But now vape companies are using big tobacco’s playbook to get kids addicted to nicotine. Rethink Tobacco is one of the tools I’ve helped developed to fight this new epidemic.

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Maternal Child Health
Holly Riker Holly Riker

Maternal Child Health

Educating young women about the early signs of pregnancy, encouraging prenatal care, and safe sleep practices can have an enormous impact on the overall health of families. The For Baby’s Sake website was developed to combat infant mortality, educate, and connect women and families with services.

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