
Campaign: Trusted Voices

Elements: TV, Radio & Social Media

  • Situation:

    • Not everyone was as enthusiastic about the Covid-19 vaccine as the Department of Health was. In South Dakota, vaccination rates were lagging in spite of the fact that the vaccine was widely available and almost immediately (no lines, no waiting) accessible. 

    • A number of priority populations had been identified as needing an additional nudge to help increase vaccinations within at-risk communities. 

  • Challenge:

    • Reach priority population groups with specific messaging while encouraging the broader public to follow suit and get vaccinated to protect their families, loved ones, and communities as well.

    • Because the subject is so volatile, we needed to engage trusted community leaders and individuals with medical expertise to reinforce the safety and efficacy of the vaccine while calling on their communities to get vaccinated.

  • Approach:

    • Testimonials. Together with DOH, we vetted and conducted initial phone interviews with candidates who were willing to share their personal stories, expertise, and speak on behalf of at-risk groups. 

    • We scripted and traveled to four different locations across the state to shoot video of two Native American leaders from different reservations, a nurse who received the vaccine while she was pregnant transferring antibodies to her healthy newborn son, and a Latina physician.   

  • Result:

    • The videos aired statewide on broadcast TV and radio as well as social media platforms. Overall the campaign was well-received, vaccination rates spiked, and social media promotions received exceptionally high click-through rates.


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